Early modern architecture from the factory – neue Holzbau AG 1925-1935

The neue Holzbau AG, Lungern was undoubtedly of great economic importance for the entire canton and was one of the few wood construction capacities in Switzerland. Aggravating the situation was the fact that their site was located in the so-called Seeboden, which was to fall victim to the re-stocking of Lake Lungern planned for 1926.
But Gassers dared to take the step into the future, built a new, modern and efficient factory and founded “Holzbau AG Lungern”. Even in the 1950s and 1960s, Lungern was still a well-known trademark in Switzerland for single-family and holiday homes in timber construction. Later, orders in timber engineering followed from neighboring countries.
A new book traces the development and background of that time & reveals how a well-known company could develop from a small carpentry firm.

Guise: November im Schwabe-Verlag, Basel
Vernissage: 15. Nov. 2015, 16.30 h,  Cantina Caverna, Lungern